Diablo 2 Lod 1.13c Patch

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Patch 1.13c Game Diablo II Diablo II: Lord of Destruction Release date March 23, 2010 Patch 1.13c was released for Diablo II March 23, 2010. Fairy tail episode 160. Contents[show] Changes A new Mystery has been revealed! Information is currently unknown, but will most likely be discovered soon Adventurers of Sanctuary.

Diablo 2 1.13c installer

Diablo 2 1.13c Installer

The problem is blizzard's new downloader - it basically has a couple of changes that make downgrading not possible. If the game is installed from insert any source but blizz installer and then upgraded to 1.14a and downgraded afterwards, it will work. We are working hard with suchbalance and slowly shortening the list of possible causes. Eveentually we'll get to it and it's possible that XVI patch will be directly compatible with 1.14 without any kind of issues. Worth noting, for those interested in playing in single player, using 1.14 should work just fine (although it's a failed patch from blizz).

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