1000 Common English Verbs

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  1. 1000 Most Common English Phrasal Verbs
  2. Common English Nouns
  3. 1000 Common English Verbs
DailyCommon english nouns

1000 Most Common English Phrasal Verbs

1000 Common English Verbs

Every day you speak up to 20,000 words. That’s more than 1,000 words for every hour you’re awake!

Common English Nouns

If you’re learning English, many of these words are probably, study, talk to fellow students or native speakers, or just. And many of those are verbs. Verbs are action words—jump, throw, go, think—and they’re a part of every single sentence you speak. There are very few English sentences that don’t need a verb, so you’re using lots and lots of them every day. Are you using each verb correctly?

Do you know all the different situations you can use these words for? Think about that! You probably spend a lot of time and effort, and that’s very important too. But it’s a good idea to look at the words you use every single day, and learn them even better. You think you know your common verbs, but chances are there’s still lots to learn about them.

1000 Common English Verbs

Top 1000 General English (only verbs) August 30, 2012 By Pedro L. Verbs filtered out of a top 1000 most frequent general english wordlist. Modals removed. Rate this list: Activities for this list: Practice Answer a few questions on each word on this list. This list originally was copied from Wikipedia:simple:Wikipedia:List of 1000 basic words. List may be useful to teachers of English as a second language or for.

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