Application Octet Stream Javascript
Hello everyone and congratulations for the useful plugin! I have an issue with the download of a pdf file. I did several tests, I finally summed up in test3.html file contained in the archive that I have submitted, in attachment (I know it is not very good. I packed the entire test environment, in a file archive, so after this, I changed its name to get it accepted by the site.
Dec 10, 2018 - text/plain text/html text/javascript text/css image/jpeg image/png. Avoid using application/octet-stream as most browsers do not allow defining. More research shows that application/octet-stream is actually incorrect. I am using application/ and it works on many phones. If I change to application. With desired name.
So you must save it locally and then rename it as zip file! In the extracted dir, you will find all I have used in the test.). In the fileDownload.js file, I changed the return error function, so to obtain more useful information about the error.
But so far still have not managed to solve the problem. My enviroment is Windows XP (SP3), IE8, FF22, Chrome rel 35.0.1916.114 m. I tried also the jQuery 1.10.2 (in the dir). Thank you for your valuable help. If I find a solution before your reply, I'll let you know. Again, thank you. Save and rename
Application Octet Stream Utf8
SHA1: 1e081701ffb2a8d07eaf9c387514277ec1a5fd4f MD5: f6fd3fb728c49af918c12ee6a21bf631. I'm wondering whether it's anything to do with the MIME type supplied. When I try and use it with a PDF I get a warning in chrome: Resource interpreted as Document but transferred with MIME type application/pdf I guess Chrome is trying to render it itself rather than downloading it like it would with other file formats (for example it works fine with CSV, Docx, XLS etc etc), so perhaps the issue isn't related to fileDownload at all. But then why is everything that is being supplied as a specific MIME type (such as application/pdf) being forced to download as a generic 'Document' type? Maybe we should investigate whether sending the file as application/pdf will work,. or even spoofing it to send it as application/octet-stream or similar if a PDF is supplied? (.
I now realise that the 'interpreted as Document' thing is probably just a red herring.) Looking at suggests the only way is to change settings in Chrome itself/install extensions. However someone says that you can force download by sending it as octet-stream, so it's worth a punt. I'll have a play with the code and see if I can get anything out of it, will do a PR if it works. Matt Edit: I realised that if I created a rule in.htaccess to map PDFs to octet-stream, the download works perfectly. It's just a case of whether it's possible to define this instead with fileDownload's 'iframe + form' method of downloading it.
If you can, I'd suggest modifying your.htaccess or equivalent for now, Here's what I added- obviously this will affect every PDF on the server so perhaps make the regex more specific if need-be: ForceType application/octet-stream Header set Content-Disposition attachment Edit again: Seems impossible, unfortunately. You'll have to manipulate the server. The demo page is working still with latest chrome for me (other than yielding the aforementioned info message in the console). I would say just make sure you are writing the response that way it's doing this and working fine: Cache-Control:private Connection:keep-alive Content-Disposition:attachment; filename=Report0.pdf Content-Length:149851 Content-Type:application/pdf Date:Wed, 10 Jun 2015 04:17:49 GMT Server:nginx Set-Cookie:fileDownload=true; path=/ Or am I missing something with another version of chrome?
About 'application/octet-stream' MIME attachments A MIME attachment with the content type 'application/octet-stream' is a binary file. Typically, it will be an application or a document that must be opened in an application, such as a spreadsheet or word processor. If the attachment has a filename extension associated with it, you may be able to tell what kind of file it is.
A.exe extension, for example, indicates it is a Windows or DOS program (executable), while a file ending in.doc is probably meant to be opened in Microsoft Word. No matter what kind of file it is, an application/octet-stream attachment is rarely viewable in an email or web client. If you are using a workstation-based client, such as Thunderbird or Outlook, the application should be able to extract and download the attachment automatically. After downloading an attachment through any of these methods, you must then open the attachment in the appropriate application to view its contents. Before opening attachments, even from trusted senders, you should follow the guidelines listed in. In addition to the generic application/octet-stream content type, you may also encounter attachments that have different subtypes (e.g., application/postscript, application/x-macbinary, and application-msword). They are similar to application/octet-stream, but apply to specific kinds of files.
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