Contoh Soal Ujian Cpns
Beowulf is not about England, but about Hrothgar, king of the Danes, who goes to help him. Hrothgar is in trouble. His great hall, called Heorot, is visited at night by a terrible creature, Grendel, which lives in a lake and comes to kill and eat Hrothgar's men. One night Beowulf waits secretly for this thing, attacks it, and in a fierce fight pulls its arm off. It manages to reach the lake again, but dies there.
Then its mother comes to the hall in search of revenge, and the attacks begin again. Beowulf follows her to the bottom of the lake and kills her there.
Contoh Soal Ujian Cpns
Contoh Latihan Soal Pancasila - TWK CPNS 2017 (Update) Saya susun artikel Pembelajaran dan Pembahasan Tes CPNS ini untuk anda tanpa memberikan link download apapun. Anda bebas untuk mencopas artikel ini, sebatas untuk anda print atau pelajari disaat offline, namun tidak untuk di buat artikel baru lagi di situs lain. New bakugan series.
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