Pokemon Ds Rom Hacks List
Need a List of 3DS Pokemon ROM Hacks (self.3dshacks) submitted 2 years ago * by OreoCupcakes As the title says, I want a list of all the available 3DS Pokemon hacks that are completed projects.

I updated the BTX Editor last year to allow you to 'properly' import and export all of the overworld sprites from the DS games. Granted, the program isn't great, but it will no longer error out on any of the overworld sprites, so long as they only have one palette. I actually came across your post just yesterday after someone was asking about pokemon overworld sprites in hg/ss. It won't help that specific person but was hoping to add it to my tools download link for people to try using. Wish I had found out for my rom hack.

Best Pokemon Ds Rom Hacks
Topics Discussed:. Overworld Sprites (including the elusive HM summon sprite). Trainer Front/Back sprites and VS faces before a gym battle. Pokemon Sprites. Text Editing.
Pokemon Ds Rom Hacks List 2017
Opening, Intro, Ending locations. Enemy Trainer Pokemon Teams. Pokemon Icons If you have any questions, leaving a youtube comment would be a much faster way to reach me. I want to make a special sidequest for a legendary pokemon, where some events happen and in a new area (custom made), a legendary pokemon appears. Could you make a tutorial on this?
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