Scripts To Read For Free
$115. For feature film screenplays, pilots, and teleplays.
1 script reader will read your script and provide coverage. 6-8 pages of Script Notes (Approx. 1200 words / single-spaced). Logline and Synopsis (for pitches, queries, marketing, etc.). ONE Script Reader Scoresheet (Your script scored across 22 different categories, such as dialogue, plot, etc.). 1 Recommendation (Pass / Consider / Recommend).
If you want to practice your voice acting skills, these scripts give you lots of opportunity to read live on the microphone. You can also use them as inspiration for writing your own scripts. Note: These free public domain voice over scripts are available as a resource for voice over talent looking for practice scripts. Welcome to the Internet Movie Script Database (IMSDb) If you enjoy movies you've come to the right place, we have the biggest collection of movie scripts available anywhere on the web. Our site lets you read or download movie scripts for free.
SCRIPT – ANNIE – SIDE 1 (ANNIE, who is 11, runs in with a bucket. She has been up cleaning) ANNIE: Pipe down, all of ya. Go back to sleep. (Mockingly; she has heard this note read a thousand times before) 'She was born on October 28th. We will be back to get her soon.'
Movie Scripts To Read Online
3 Script Reader Follow-Up Questions (Ask your script reader to clarify or elaborate on specific points made in their analysis). Approx. 72-hour turnaround. $249 3 different perspectives on your script. For feature film screenplays, pilots, and teleplays. 3 script readers read your script and provide coverage. 18-24 pages Script Notes from 3 different readers (Approx.
3600 words / single-spaced). 1 Logline and Synopsis. THREE Script Reader Scoresheets. 3 Recommendations. 9 Script Reader Follow-Up Questions. Approx.
72-hour turnaround. FREE WATERMARKING and PASSWORD PROTECTION for your script PDF file (OPTIONAL). FREE SCRIPT VAULTING We keep your script file backed up on our secure server for up to 10 years (OPTIONAL). Script Notes Our script notes make up the bulk of your coverage, and they're brimming with specific, insightful critique and suggestions on how to improve the work. We write our script analysis as straightforward and as objective as possible because it's not only screenwriters that rely on us for constructive honesty – it's also agents and producers. Our smart clients use that honesty to their advantage.
Free Screenplay Scripts

Our dumb ones are eaten by bears. Script Reader Scoresheet Our reader numerically scores your script in 22 key categories, such as character, dialogue, plot, theme, conflict, tension, presentation, and more.
These numerical scores, like the rest of your coverage, are for your eyes only. Recommendation One of 3 possible recommendations: PASS (the screenplay needs a bit more work), CONSIDER (the screenplay still needs some tweaking, but may be considered by an agency or studio), or RECOMMEND. Don’t feel bad if you get a PASS.
Since we opened our service in 1999, right around 95% of screenplays have received a PASS, while 4% received a CONSIDER, and only 1% or less received a RECOMMEND. Logline Your screenplay, summed up in one or two sentences. If your logline ends up much longer than that, your screenplay might be too “soft concept” and more difficult to sell, market, or land an agent or manager with. (Or, it might be perfect for Sundance.) (OPTIONAL) Synopsis Your story, squeezed down to the essentials.
This section is a sort of bird’s-eye view that helps you see how well a stranger would understand your key plot points and throughlines. If a script reader misses an important beat, it’s likely that an agent or producer will too. (OPTIONAL) The Bechdel Test An informal 'litmus test' of a script's female representation, because more and more 'gatekeepers' in Hollywood are factoring in a project's gender diversity when considering it for production. Diversity Rating Our reader's quick take on how well your script incorporates characters from a variety of different backgrounds, perspectives, and life experiences. Across the board, the film and tv industry is demanding more diversity in what they produce, so we'd be remiss in not including it for our more savvy clients. But don't worry if you think your script might not be all that diverse. Some of the best movies in history weren't either.
Diversity/Bechdel scores have zero bearing on your overall critique. We just read scripts and provide suggestions on how to improve them. We don’t do black lists or brown lists or purple lists or ridiculous, arbitrary “Film Industry Scores” which nobody in the actual film industry cares about. Nor do we try to bait you into buying cheeseball training courses or webinars, or entice you into entering script contests.
THE HARD TRUTH: If you’ve won the Nicholl or Austin, it’s possible that producers, reps, and showrunners may be impressed. But any other script contest? Not so much. 'The value I received from Screenplay Readers far surpasses value for other coverage I've received and I'm grateful I was pointed to your site.
I found this last batch of notes, synopsis and even logline to be the most creative and insightful I have yet received on this project. (and yours was not the only company I've tried my hand at coverage with.) You obviously have some creative filmmakers in their own right working with you.' Lance Mungia - Writer-director of The Crow: Wicked Prayer and Six-String Samurai. Screenwriters who use our script coverage to improve their scripts prior to sending to one of the few legitimate script contests (e.g. Q: “How qualified are the script readers reading my screenplay?” A: The script readers on our payroll come from all sorts of film industry backgrounds: development, production, post-production – you name it. Each reader is brought aboard the Screenplay Readers team only if they have 5+ years of comprehensive experience and a track record of helping improve screenplays. In addition, their writing style and critical “voice” is vetted for several key traits: fastidiousness, mastery of syntax, grammar, and vocabulary, and the ability to synthesize solutions and suggestions.
As a result, only 1 out of every 300 people who apply are ever invited to join our team. Feel free to check out our for their photos, bios, and favorite genres and films. Q: “What if I don’t agree with the script coverage?” We’re writers too, so we know what it feels like to receive criticism on our work, and believe me, it’s not always fun. But it’s our view that without consistent, critical feedback on our screenwriting, from a variety of sources, we don’t get very far as screenwriters. Use our script notes and coverage to guide your next draft (or producers, use it to nudge that screenwriter you’re working with) or cherry pick the notes you think will help your project the most.
TV Scripts, TV Screenplay - The Script Source To read my article in Scr(i)pt Magazine. CHECK OUT MY NEW! Free TV Scripts Welcome to the TV Scripts page. These are real TV scripts only. No transcripts.
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