Kp System Astrology Basic

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No other known system of Astrology in this country has surpassed or equalled this. A Compendium on KP Astrology - Basic Rules & Applied Horoscopes.

Contents. Before We Start Any questions arise in the mind of KP student while reading this tutorial can be discussed in. Also drop an email to , if you are a KP astrologer and want to contribute to this tutorial. The Horoscope Explained A horoscope (also called Chart or Kundali) is a map of heavens seen at a particular time from a particular place. The KP horoscope is slightly different from the traditional horoscope as it contains comparatively more information.

A KP horoscope typically contains position of 12 planets (including Rahu, Ketu, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto) and 12 houses. There are various ways in which a horoscope can be drawn. In India two most popular formats are ‘North Indian format’ and ‘South Indian format’. Here is a sample horoscope diagram drawn for – Date: January 13, 2009 Time: 12: 00 Noon IST Place: Agra, UP, India (Detailed chart can be found at ). This is a horoscope in South Indian format. The South Indian chart is seen in clock-wise fashion.

In the South Indian chart format, signs are fixed and houses & planets keep moving. The second box from the top left is fixed for Aries. This is the box where “I 001-23-55” is written on the chart. From that box onwards, in the clockwise fashion, we can read other signs i.e. Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces respectively. So keeping this chart in mind, we can say that first house starts from Aries (because ‘I’ is written in the box fixed for Aries) 1 degree, 23 minutes and 55 seconds. The second house starts from Taurus 3 degree 46 minutes 54 seconds.

The starting position of second house is also ending position for first house. Third house starts from Taurus 29 degree 19 minutes 19 seconds. Fourth house starts from Gemini 23 degree 2 minute 49 seconds. As we see Ketu in Cancer 16 degree 24 minute 10 seconds between ‘IV’ and ’V’ number, we can say that Ketu is in fourth house. Similarly, Saturn is between ‘VI’ and ‘VII’, so we can say that Saturn is in sixth house and so on. Similarly we can see position of all planets and houses from this chart. To have a consistency across the tutorial, we are planning to stick to the South Indian chart format.

Note: Astrologers from the Traditional astrology background may wonder seeing the chart above how come both second and third houses are fallen into the same sign Taurus? Which means that Venus is lord of both the houses - second and third. Mars also become lord of eighth house and ninth house as per KP chart.

Virgo and Pisces are kind-of disappeared as no house is falling in these two signs? This is because of the reason that KP uses Placidus House division system, which is borrowed from Western astrology, where the houses are of unequal size. Unlike Traditional astrology, not all houses are of equal size of 30 degree in KP and hence sometimes no house falls into a sign or sometimes more than one house fall into a sign. We will talk more about it in the later chapters. Creating Horoscope (Casting the Chart). As mentioned above, totally 12 planets are used in KP namely Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Rahu, Ketu, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. As Uranus, Neptune and Pluto are of comparatively recent discovery, usage of these planets is not as extensive as other 9 planets.

Not all KP astrologers use all 12 planets, hence the usage of Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto is up to the choice of a KP astrologer. In this tutorial, our emphasis will also be on original 9 planets only. Please note that Rahu and Ketu are not planets in terms of modern astronomy, as they don't have any physical existence. They are mere mathematical points. Due to this reason, they are also sometimes called as shadow planets.

I'll not go into the astronomical details of Rahu and Ketu because it is not the objective of this tutorial. Each planet owns certain signs and stars (nakshatras) as follows. There are 12 houses in astrology. Houses are also referred as Bhava or Ghar in Hindu astrology.

Every house in astrology has been assigned certain significations by the sages. For example, 1st house is for self, health, 2nd house for family, finance, 3rd house for brother, courage, 4th house is for mother, conveyance and so on. In the astrology, if a house is good, you will get good results related to the house. For example, if the 1st house is good in your horoscope, your health will be good.


On the contrary, if the first house is bad, the health will be affected and one can even have a short life. Different systems of astrology like Hindu system, Western system etc. Have different rules for judging the houses. In other words, all systems use somewhat different rules to identify whether you will get good results or bad results pertaining to a house in your life. Similarly, KP System also has different rules and we will be describing those rules in the following sections.

Like Sub, house grouping is another very important concept in KP System. For every important aspect of human life, one house has been given primary importance and few other houses have been given secondary importance.


All these houses together are known as group of houses for an aspect. By the term ‘aspect of human life’, I mean health, family, profession etc. Let us take an example of marriage, for marriage house number 7th has been given primary importance. Because 7th house is taken as the house for spouse – husband or wife. If you are coming from the Hindu astrology or Western astrology background, you will find it familiar.

If you don't have any astrology background, you can refer house signification table under the heading 'House' above. House number 2 and 11 are said to be supportive house for marriage. In our traditional astrology, 2nd house is the house for family and 11th house is the house for friends and fulfillment of desire. So we can say that for marriage we have to judge house number 2, 7 and 11. This is house grouping for marriage.

Similarly, we can group houses for other major aspects of our life. I am tabulating house grouping for some of the important aspects as follows. More comprehensive list of house groups can be found at section of this wiki.

Good and Bad Houses for Specific MattersGenerally 12th house from any house is considered detrimental to that house and hence negates the results of that house. For example, 2, 7 and 11 houses are the houses that give marriage. 12th House from these houses i.e.

1 (12th from 2), 6 (12th from 7) and 10 (12th from 11) will give opposite results i.e. Denial of marriage or separation, divorce etc., if already married. This is a general rule which requires some modifications on the basis of sufficient evidence. Significators ConceptAs mentioned above, 12 houses deal with all aspect of a human life. Generally a planet can give results related to many houses. For example, from the section ‘Houses’, we can see that 7th house is the house for ‘marriage’ whereas 10th house is the house for ‘job’.

Now, one single planet can give both job and marriage to a person. Assuming Mars is that planet, we will say that Mars signifies 7th house and 10th house in such a case. Similarly, results related to a house can be obtained from more than one planet. Assuming in a chart Mars and Jupiter both can give Marriage, we will say that 7th house (marriage) is signified by Mars and Jupiter. To put in simple language, a planet can signify more than one house.

Also a house can be signified by more than one planet. From terminology, let us move to the method of finding significators in the next section. A planet signifies various houses in the order of strength as follows - Level 1. House occupied by the star lord of the planet Level 2. House occupied by the planet itself Level 3. Houses owned by the star lord of the planet Level 4.

Houses owned by the planet itself As this signification is in the order of strength, signification at level 1 is more powerful than signification at level 2. Signification at level 2 is more powerful than signification at level 3 and so on. Level 1 to 4 is usually mentioned as grade A to E signnificators. Suppose we have to find signification for the planet ‘Mars’ in example chart. Here are the signified houses - Level 1.

Mars’s star lord is Venus who is in house no. Mars is in house no. Mars’s star is Venus who owns house no. 2, 3, 7 Level 4.

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Mars owns house no. 1, 8, 9 We can say that Mars signifies houses 11, 2, 3, 7, 9, 1, 8 in this chart. Let us take another planet ‘Moon’ - Level 1. Moon’s star lord Mercury is in house no. Moon occupies 5th house Level 3. Moon’s star lord Mercury owns 4th House Level 4. Moon owns 5th house So, we can say that Moon signifies houses 10, 4, and 5.

We can tabulate signification of the planets in our example chart as follows. Significator for a house in the order of strength are as follows – Level 1. Planets in the star of occupants of that house Level 2. Planets in that house Level 3.

Planets in the star of owners of that house Level 4. Owner of that house Sigificators are mentioned in the order of strength. It means that the significators at level 1 is more powerful than the significators at level 2.

Kp System Astrology Basics

Significators at level 2 are more powerful than significators at level 3 and so on. Level 1 to 4 is usually mentioned as grade A to E significators. Let us take an example of house number 6 in our example chart - Level 1. Planets in the star of the occupant of the 6th house (Saturn) - Ketu Level 2. Planets in 6th house - Saturn Level 3. Planet in the star of the owner (Sun) - Sun, Jupiter, and Saturn Level 4. Owner of 6th house - Sun so, 6th house significators are Ketu, Sun, Jupiter, and Saturn.

(The easy way is to take from the above table of planet significations, i.e. From level 1 column only Ketu for 6th, level 2 column only Saturn for 6th, level 3 column Sun, Jupiter & Saturn, and level 4 column Sun only.) Let us take another example of house number 10 in the example chart - Level 1. Planets in the star of the occupants of 10th house i.e. Sun, Jupiter, Mercury, and Rahu - Sun & Saturn (in the star of Sun), no planet in the star of Jupiter, Moon (in the star of Mercury), Venus (in the star of Rahu) Level 2. Planets in 10th house - Sun, Jupiter, Mercury, Rahu Level 3. Planet in the star of the owner (Jupiter) - no planet in the star of Jupiter Level 4.

Owner of 10th house - Jupiter so, 10th house significators are Sun, Saturn, Moon, Venus, Jupiter, Mercury, Rahu TIP: If there is no planet(s) in the star of significators, significator(s) are considered strong. In above case, as Jupiter doesn’t have any planet in its star, hence it is a strong significator for 10th house by occupation and also by lordship if the house is empty, which is not so in this case. By a strong significator we mean that the planet has more chances of giving the result of the house than other significators We can tabulate house significators in our example chart as follows –. This is a step by step approach often recommended in. Out of the significators mentioned above and select the fruitful significators as follows: 1) Significtors which are common with the Ruling Planets, 2) Significators which are posited in the stars of the cuspal sub lords of required houses for a matter under consideration, 2,7,11 for marriage, 3) Significators which are the cuspal sub lords of the required houses, 4) Significators of planets without having any planet in their stars, which are strongest to give the results of the houses by being the sub lord to them.

(Golden Rule: Take the planets which are posited in the sub of the significators whose constellations are not tenanted), 5) Significators appearing many times amongst the Ruling Planets and significators. 6) Ruling Planets or other methods of selecting fruitful significators can to be used in fixing timing of event by DBAS.

In the 'House Grouping' section it was explained that - 'for every important aspect of human life, one house has been given primary importance and few other houses have been given secondary importance.' Standard rules for prediction are - 1. If the sublord of primary house under consideration is signifying house group related to the matter under consideration then the matter is going to fructify and the answer is positive.

2. On the contrary, if it sublord of primary house is signifying detrimental houses (see good and bad houses above) alone then the matter will not fructify 3. But, if it sublord of primary house is signifying house group as well as detrimental houses then the native will get both the results in different dasa period. As explained in house grouping section, 7th house is the primary house for marriage.


2nd and 11th houses are supportive houses. These three houses together will be called conductive house group (or simply house group) for marriage. 1st, 6th and 10th house being 12th from the mentioned house group are detrimental for marriage. If sublord of 7th house is signifying either 7th or 2nd or 11th then the marriage is promised. The person will definitely marry. This way we can decide the promises related to various aspect of life in a chart. Timing Events.

The matter will fructify in the dasa, bhukti and antara of the significators of houses group for the matter under consideration. Significators of main and supportive houses needs to be found out according to the method given in the section 'Finding House Signifcators.' Now-a-days all KP software like gives you a list of significator, so you need not to worry about significator selection process.

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The event will happen in the conjoined period of the signifcators of the house group for the matter under consideration. Among the signficators, you need out possible dasa lord, bhukti lord and antara lord. If the selected number of sigfinicators are more than three (we require one for dasa, one for bhukti and one for antara), we need to find out powerful significators among them according to the rules given in 'selection of significator' section.

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Here we are providing various rules of predicting different life events with Krishnamurti Padhdhati astrology according to the 12 different Bhavas or Houses. These rules are for general guidelines and it requires proper training in KP system astrology to make sense and interpretation of the entire horoscope. Alternatively, you can get the expert opinion of a highly trained astrologer like Dr. Andrew Dutta (Sri Indrajit). Please share these KP System astrology event rules with other KP practitioner freely, but do keep your Karma clean by not forgetting to acknowledge Dr. Andrew Dutta (Sri Indrajit).

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