Pocket Tanks Deluxe Torrent
Pocket Tanks Deluxe Edition(1.3) ALL 250 Weapons - RELOADED CarlesNeo - May Be The Force With You - Pocket Tanks is a 1-2 player computer game for Windows and Mac OS X, and more recently, the iPhone, created by Blitwise Productions.This newer version features modified physics, dozens of weapons ranging from simple explosive shells to homing missiles, and the ability to move the tank. It supports several expansion packs. At the moment, players can have up to 250 different weapons total. Pocket Tanks is often abbreviated as PTanks, or simply as PT. The point of the game is to use various weapons, which come in various packs, to attack the other player's tank.
Pocket Tanks Deluxe Free Download

Each hit scores a certain amount of points, which varies based on the weapon and proximity. At the end of 10 volleys, the player with the highest points wins. The game features a fully destructible environment, which allows player to put themselves on pedestals, in tunnels, or bunkers, allowing for the probability of strategic play. Instructions - 1.Open The folder Pocket Tanks Deluxe Edition 1.3 (All 250 Weapons) - REALOADED - CarlesNeo.
Pocket Tanks is designed to be the fastest game of artillery you'll ever play, with all the excitement of lobbing projectiles over a mound of dirt without the complicated details found in most.
2.Then to play double click on pockettanks.exe. 3.EnJoY ThE GaMe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! For any problems or you want me to upload any other torrent comment or contact me at - Thank You Comment and Seed CarlesNeo -may be the force with you!
To download POCKET TANK DELUXE 250 WEAPONS, click on the Download button All the excitement of lobbing projectiles over a mound of dirt without all the complicated details found in pocket tank deluxe 250 weapons artillery pocket tank deluxe 250 weapons. The fastest game of artillery you'll ever play. So select your weapons wisely and apply projectile motion in the correct way so as to gain victory over your opponent. For any further queries contact me on Pramodkumar1830 gmail. Get Pocket Tanks Deluxe Free download full version with 250 weapons APK. Copyright SOFTONIC INTERNACIONAL S. If you are good at applying Physics especially Projectiles motion then you will have a blast playing Pocket Tanks on your system.
Pocket tank deluxe 250 weapons Pocket tank deluxe 250 weapons Pocket tank deluxe 250 weapons Earlier Pocket Tanks was released for only Windows and OS platform but after deluse its popularity and increasing gaming database in pocket tank deluxe 250 weapons devices it was officially released for all the major mobile platforms that includes Google Android, Windows Phone, Apple iOS and here below I am going to provide you with Pocket Tanks Deluxe Mod APK file. All the excitement of lobbing projectiles over a mound of dirt without all the complicated details found in most artillery games. Copyright SOFTONIC INTERNACIONAL S. The name and logo of Softonic are registered trademarks of SOFTONIC INTERNACIONAL S. The fastest game of artillery you'll ever play.
Select your angle, power, and fire over 250 distinct weapons at your opponent. Pocket tank deluxe 250 weapons Download Link ddluxe POCKET TANKS DELUXE FULL VERSION FOR FREE DOWNLOAD AND INSTALL POCKET TANKS DELUXE FOR FREE!! Pocket Tanks is a very popular to one artillery game produced by BitWise Productions where you can either compete with computer AI or another human player to show your skills set. Apart from being a part time Blogger and SEO Expert currently he is working Full Time with one of the leading IT company in the World as a Software Engineer.
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He studied and graduated with Pocket tank deluxe 250 weapons degree in Engineering Electronics and Communications from one of the Top Universities Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, New Delhi in India. For any further pocket tank deluxe 250 weapons contact me on Pramodkumar1830 gmail. Later on after all the weapons are exhausted the player with more number of points is declared as winner. The fastest game of artillery you'll ever play.
Pocket tank deluxe 250 weapons Earlier Pocket Tanks was released for only Windows and Mac OS platform but after considering its popularity and increasing gaming database in mobile devices it was officially released for all the major mobile platforms that includes Google Android, Windows Phone, iOS and here below I am going to provide you with Pocket Tanks Deluxe Mod APK file. Select your angle, power, and fire over 250 distinct weapons at your opponent. The fastest game of artillery you'll ever play.
All the excitement of lobbing projectiles over a mound of dirt without all the complicated details found in most pocket tank deluxe 250 weapons games. New Download Link is up and online- Sorry pocket tank deluxe 250 weapons that half screen during game play. You need to purchase the Pocket Deluxe version if you want to enjoy the real fun of playing Pocket Tanks.
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